Honour Roll
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Memorial Print

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Guelph Police
Walter E. MacAulay

Guelph Police
April 5th, 1964
Age: 37
Years of Service: 10
Walter E. MacAulay was married with 1 Child.

Constable Walter E. MacAulay
On April 4, 1964, while off duty and downtown with his 5 year old daughter, Constable MacAulay went to the assistance of a fellow officer who was trying to arrest a motorist. MacAulay's arms were trapped in the door of the car as the suspect drove off. He was dragged 500 feet before being impaled on another vehicle's tailgate section. He died the following day of injuries received.
The suspect was later sentenced to 7 years in prison following a conviction of criminal negligence causing death.

Guelph Police
Honour Roll
Jennifer Kovach
Walter E. MacAulay
John Teevens
William M. Holloway
The Memorial Pin

The Memorial Pin is the official pin of the New Ontario Police Memorial.