Honour Roll
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Memorial Print
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Sandwich East Township Police
Harley Hyland
Sandwich East Township Police
May 2nd, 1963
Age: 41
Years of Service: 14
Harley Hyland was married with 5 children.
Constable Harley Hyland
Cst. Hyland and Cst. Garland Harris had responded to a report of a break and enter at the Hunter\' Pharmacy. Cst Harris apprehended one suspect upon their arrival and Cst. Hyland gave chase to a second suspect. He caught him and an arrest was made. Hyland advised at the time he was feeling ill and could not breathe. He was taken to Metropolitan Hospital where he died three hours later.
Harley had served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during WWII.
Sandwich East Township Police
Honour Roll
Harley Hyland
The Memorial Pin
The Memorial Pin is the official pin of the New Ontario Police Memorial.