Honour Roll
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Memorial Print
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Stratford Police
John A. McCarthy Jr.
Stratford Police
May 13th, 1913
Age: 66
Years of Service: 37 years with Stratford Police and 5 years as a Detective with the Grand Trunk Railway.
No Photo Available
The steeple of the Knox Church was struck by lightening during a storm, setting the church on fire. Due to limitations of the fire pumps, the fire in the steeple could not be fought. Chief McCarthy and Cst. Hamilton were attempting to save articles from the Church when they were killed instantly when they were struck with a large 8 foot x 12 inch timber which fell from the steeple. The fire destroyed the church. Stratford Fire Chief Durkin was also killed in the fire. The Town was devastated. The Town Council declared a Municipal day of mourning closing business on the day of their funerals.
Stratford Police
Honour Roll
John A. McCarthy Jr.
Matthew Hamilton
The Memorial Pin
The Memorial Pin is the official pin of the New Ontario Police Memorial.