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Memorial Print

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Pembroke Police
Thomas Espey

Pembroke Police
September 16th, 1943
Age: 42
Thomas Espey was married with 2 Children.

No Photo Available
Chief Espey was assisting with an OPP investigation and was travelling to Petawawa as a passenger in a commandeered taxi cab, which was driven by OPP Cst. Ernest Renaud. A military convoy passed the officers southbound on highway #17. The convoy was driving in blackout conditions, meaning their vehicle lights were covered which greatly reduces the vehicle visibility. When Cst. Renaud thought the convoy had passed, he pulled out to pass a slower vehicle driving in front of them approximately 3 miles east of the military base on a stretch of highway known as Petawawa Plains. The convoy hadn't ended but only had a gap of about 700 yards in it when they pulled out to pass. They collided with a military vehicle. Chief Espey died at the scene, with Cst. Renaud being transported to hospital with serious injuries.
Chief Espey was a member of the Mimico Police prior to joining the Pembroke Police as Chief.

Pembroke Police
Honour Roll
Thomas Espey
The Memorial Pin

The Memorial Pin is the official pin of the New Ontario Police Memorial.