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Memorial Print

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Sandwich West Township Police
Robert C. Carrick

Sandwich West Township Police
August 23rd, 1969
Age: 22
Years of Service: 3

Constable Robert C. Carrick
At 1505 hours, Constable Carrick attended a dwelling in response to a domestic complaint. The complaint indicated shots had been fired but Constable Carrick attended without backup. On arrival, he secured the safety of the wife, child and baby-sitter. He was fired on by an occupant on the second floor of the dwelling who was using a 12 and a 20 gauge shotgun with B.B. and S.S.G. In the ensuing gun battle, Constable Carrick was wounded five times including a head wound that proved fatal. A further gun battle took place on the arrival of Constable Bob Ross, Sandwich West Police and Constable Al Oakley, Windsor Police. Both officers were wounded; Constable Ross lost an eye. A short time later the suspect, William Roy Rosik, age 22, walked from the dwelling, surrendered and was arrested.
William Roy Rosik was charged and convicted of capital murder and sentenced to hang. Appeals upheld the conviction and sentence but the Federal Cabinet reduced the sentence to life imprisonment. Rosik served ten years before being released on parole.

Sandwich West Township Police
Honour Roll
Robert C. Carrick
The Memorial Pin

The Memorial Pin is the official pin of the New Ontario Police Memorial.